Back to School is one of my favorite times of year, and walking through the corner drugstore today I found myself fighting the urge to buy a few school supplies – an Elmer’s glue stick spoke to me, as did a rainbow colored set of two-pocket folders and a bright pink Sharpie.
Okay, I bought the Sharpie.
Back To School, Never Stop Learning
I think school is something we should never give up. As adults, we consider it something we did, not something we do. But if we don’t challenge ourselves to learn, how will we grow?
When I’m leading a workshop and share the story of how as a young college grad, I struggled so badly with confidence issues that it took all my courage just to attend a networking event let alone talk to anyone, almost everyone laughs. Let’s just say I’m no longer a wallflower.
Don’t Shy Away
But it’s absolutely true. I was so shy and awkward that I actually forced myself to attend a class on How To Network at a community college. I distinctly remember the woman seated next to me. Upon catching my eye she asked, “What are you doing here? You’re so young!” But even then I knew if I couldn’t learn this invaluable skill my access to power would be limited, as would my potential.
I’ve come to believe that to be perceived as having ethical influence within your organization, your industry, and your communities, you need to demonstrate a thirst for knowledge… A hunger for experience… an explorer’s mindset.
Sharpening The Saw
Those willing to learn are those willing to lead, no?
Stephen Covey called it ‘sharpening the saw’ – I’ve always loved that phrase. Whether you go for an advanced degree online or take sculpting classes at the museum… Whether you’re studying skills for work or pursuing pastimes just for fun, consider making “Back to School” something you never stop.