Chase Your Dream, The Green Grass is Yours to Grow

Chase your dream! @simasays #cocktailnapkinquote #personalbrands #swayfactor Share on X

For 18 years I was a corporate marketer. I was good at it, and I loved it. Until I didn’t love it anymore.

Setting the Stage to Chase Your Dream

In 2008 I was laid off and a few short weeks later I had my second miscarriage, and it was against this backdrop of loss that I started my consulting business. I helped start-ups and small businesses with their marketing and social media strategy. And yeah, I was good at it… And for a short while, I even loved it. Until I didn’t anymore.

And I’ll tell you this, I was working WAY too hard to not love it. As it turns out, there is no agency in my DNA. A passionate brand marketer? Absolutely! Agency mogul? Not so much.

Finding My Way

As I was discovering my aversion for agency life, I also found buried treasure… a natural talent for speaking. And Training. And damn if I didn’t love it! Will I always love it? I have no way of knowing. But when my career compass shifts I’ll do my best to pursue True North.

I celebrated a birthday last week, and the half-century mark looms near. While some age peers are counting down the years until retirement, I find myself in growth mode! I can’t help but think of a very dear BFF who has been planning to retire at age 50 since we were college roommates. And for many years she joked that all she wanted to do was watch the Cubbies. But she’s singing another story these days. She’s talking about going back to school to study non-profit management and amp up her involvement in Girls on the Run.

Love What You Do

Look I’m not trying to talk you out of retirement; if you reach a point in your life when you no longer have to or want to work, well rock on! All I am saying is to love whatever it is you decide to do. And when your career aspirations shift and your passion wanders, learn to love the hunt for wherever your grass is greenest.

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